Take The Challenge To Create!Β πŸ˜„

It is easy to complain about what you don’t like: Your job, another person or the weather.

It is much harder to take responsibility and create change.    

But when we channel the energy we might otherwise use to complain into definable action, our joy automatically increases.  

Here are some examples of clients who changed their complaints into actions:

  • Sienna hired a driver to help with nightly carpools, instead of complaining about how her energy and joy was being sucked away by the non-stop shuttling of her 4 kids.
  • Carol made a concrete plan to be living in a warmer climate within 5 years instead of whining about Chicago weather.
  • Jenni decided to start networking with those working in another industry to explore opportunities instead of complaining about her miserable job. 

All these women are happier because, even though their problems are not completely solved, they took action to change what they were not happy about.  

If you want to increase your joy – take my 7-Day Challenge, starting Monday July 22!

The instructions are simple: Every time you want to complain, stop yourself.

See if there is one action you can take to make a change! 

Join my private Facebook Group HERE to start the challenge and get inspired!!!

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Kathy McCabe
Master Certified Life and Business Coach