How Committed Are You?

There is such a difference between wanting something and being fully committed. 

I used to say “I want to do work that I love.” But the truth was, at the time, I wasn’t fully committed. Even though I said I wanted a different job, I didn’t want to spend time and energy working to find such a job for many reasons, including having young kids at the time. 

When I realized I wasn’t committed to making a change at that time, it was freeing. It made me see what I really wanted was to be happier each day.

I decided to take responsibility for my happiness in the moment and not make it all about my job. I put effort into changing my mindset, creating fun things to do everyday, and spending time with people I loved. It worked because I was committed to it. 

Is there any area of your life in which you say you “want” something but you are not 100 percent committed to getting it? 

For example, you might say, “I want to be ‘happier.”

If you are committed to becoming happier, it means focusing your time and energy on that goal โ€“ not just saying “I want it.” 

So, ask yourself: On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad do you want whatever it is you want? 

If your answer is less than an 8, recognize that maybe you do not really want it right now. 

The good news is if you simply recognize you are not committed, it can help you clarify what you really, really want right now. It helps you focus on working towards your goal instead of using language that keeps you stuck. 

What is something you want, something you are willing to devote time and energy to? 

I’d love to hear!



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P.P.S. Local Moms, SAVE THE DATE – 4/28/19. I am putting together an AWESOME 1-Day Mother’s Day Retreat. Sign up HERE!